Monday, August 29, 2011

Bistro Food

I cringe when i hear the word "bistro." I cringe again when i hear la palabra, "tapas."


In my opinion, both words are synonymous with RIP-OFF.

Although, bistro food is delicious, it also puts a big emphasis on presentation. Presentation is great, but it sure doesn't fill you up. Can you really take anything away from the meal other than a photo when it comes to presentation ? The answer is NO.

So many new restaurants are some form of a bistro: smaller plates and less food combined with higher prices. It just makes me mad. I guess, if you are being treated to a meal by the company, there is nothing better than bistro food, but if you are on your own nickel, walk/run away.

This leads me to the hottest and worst trend spreading across America...TAPAS! Tapas have hit New Orleans like wildfire and i dont have the right equipment to exterminate the fire out. These "small plates" were never meant to be turned into a meal. I get it, women love tapas. But what about the men? The variety that tapas gives a table is great, but i think the plate size can only be justified for appetizers and/or dessert. I simply dont dig it.

Whatever happen to the good ole cafeteria style hot plate restaurant like Rocky & Carlos?

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