Monday, April 2, 2012

Do you like Rally's Fries?

Of all the fast food players, who makes the best french fries?

I realize this blog should not be about fast food, but last week I found something that makes me very happy: Rally's / Checker's French Fries served in a bag intended for household preparation and consumption. These succulent orange colored french fries have so much flavor and spice. Absolutely love them. I had heard rumors of the fries to go for two years, but had never landed a bag. Then last week, I saw the Rouse's specials: 28 ounces of goodness for $2.38. Now that is good value.

And the fact that I can prepare these fries in my house, baking them instead of frying them, makes the fries that much more appealing.

In closing, I found this video to motivate valuenola fans to get out there and buy those fries! The Roast Beef...(get to about 3:10 into the video for best results)