Thursday, April 19, 2012

Make your own Beef Jerky!

If you ever want to live off of one food for a two week stretch, I suggest looking into the hottest new diet out there: Beef Jerky

I followed a very simple recipe which I will improve on moving forward.

It all starts with a food dehydrator & a large cut of beef. I used an eye of round roast. Once the beef has been sliced into very thin pieces, you marinade the beef for 18 hours.

After the beef takes this extended bath, you remove the beef to a pan for its dry rub shower. All this prep before the beef strips take a long sauna session in the dehydrator.

Caution: Using too much salt can ruin the jerky. My buddy Austin & I definitely over salted. Go figure.

So, how did I deal with the excess salt? On two sperate occasions in the process, I removed each piece of jerky and washed it under running water. This definitely helped the situation, but clearly did not solve the heart attack within a stick. The dehydrator can run anywhere from 5-8 hours depending on how much jerky you load in. The smell will cover your house and excitement will build.

Overall, the process is intense, fun, and rewarding. It makes you want to try it all over again and improve the finished product. This could be a new hobby!

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